POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Tornado, cyclone, twister, whatever [~128KB Mpeg1] : Tornado, cyclone, twister, whatever [~128KB Mpeg1] Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:15:14 EST (-0500)
  Tornado, cyclone, twister, whatever [~128KB Mpeg1]  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 19 Apr 2000 09:51:00
Message: <38fdb9c4@news.povray.org>
A quick demonstration of what I was able to turn the tornado.pov script into, with
plenty more effort  :-)  That is to say, I used a sphere_sweep for the funnel after
encountering MegaPov freeze-up when using a isosurface.  Something about
the contact between it and a torus (the ground plume).  Even dropped the torus for
a simple sphere.  And the media had to be thoroughly tweaked of course.
It takes some imagination to see it as anything close to realism but I didn't make
anything else for the scene so that doesn't help.  Plus it's fast, faster than the
real thing.
Well, the up side is I think people will like it, so it probably isn't all bad.

omniVerse http://users.aol.com/persistenceofv/all.htm

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